Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Research Paper

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - Research Paper Example The Book of Mormon was marketed on the 26th of March 1830. A year after the extensively cited analysis of Alexander Campbell charged it of clarifying all the major concerns talked about in New York throughout the 1820s, as well as â€Å"infant baptism, ordination, the trinity, regeneration†¦ even the question of free masonry, republic government, and the rights of man† (Winn, 1990, 20). Aspects in the book did appear to relate with several of existing issues at that time and to address its readers’ mental and emotional needs; several converts made use of the book as prescribed by Campbell. Numerous, nevertheless, did not. In truth, the Book of Mormon, in comparison with the Bible, was used sparsely (Winn, 1990). Smith’s revelations and converts mention ‘Book of Mormon and the holy scriptures,’ setting aside the ‘holy scripture’ for the Bible (Barlow, 1997, 44). God scolded the members of the Church for not giving little importance t o the Book of Mormon. According to Morris (2006), W.W. Phelps, Mormon writer, protested that the Saints would instead seek mysteries and miracles in the Bible than find out details communicated in the Book of Mormon. Mormon publications during the 1830s mentioned the Bible several times as frequently as the Book of Mormon, and in the sermons presented to Nauvoo, Illinois for which current documentation is available, Smith reworded the Book of Mormon a number of times but mentioned or reworded the Bible hundreds of times (Morris, 2006).  ... Numerous, nevertheless, did not. In truth, the Book of Mormon, in comparison with the Bible, was used sparsely (Winn, 1990). Smith’s revelations and converts mention ‘Book of Mormon and the holy scriptures,’ setting aside the ‘holy scripture’ for the Bible (Barlow, 1997, 44). God scolded the members of the Church for not giving little importance to the Book of Mormon. According to Morris (2006), W.W. Phelps, Mormon writer, protested that the Saints would instead seek mysteries and miracles in the Bible than find out details communicated in the Book of Mormon. Mormon publications during the 1830s mentioned the Bible several times as frequently as the Book of Mormon, and in the sermons presented to Nauvoo, Illinois for which current documentations are available, Smith reworded the Book of Mormon a number of times but mentioned or reworded the Bible hundreds of times (Morris, 2006). Even though he illustrated the Book of Mormon as more accurate than any other manuscript and as â€Å"the keystone of our religion,† (Parry, 2004, 17) there are very few proofs that he gave an effort to analyze its text as he studied the Bible. The Book of Mormon was given due importance by its followers, but it did not turn out to be the foundation for the early Church tradition and dogma, the everyday revelations of Smith accomplished that. It would linger for a succeeding period of Saints to embrace as idols those Book of Mormon icons like Nephi, Moroni, and Alma (Parry, 2004). The very first Mormon chose the Bible, in spite of the flaws they discovered in it. Malachi, Zechariah, and Nahum were not indefinite or unclear icons for them and their colleagues (Barlow,

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